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发布日期:2024-11-13 06:08    点击次数:164




From 英文悦读





Every summer, I travel abroad with my family or my best friends. When the new term comes, I find that my oral English gets better. So I firmly believe the book is not the only source of knowledge.


Every summer, I travel abroad with my family or my best friends. After returning from my trip, I find my oral English gets better. So I firmly believe reading books is not the only way of learning English; foreign travel also facilitates language learning.


上头这段话出自The Economist对于互联网近况的报说念。互联网的策画初志是去中心化,但当初互联网左券不够完善,导致其后许多互联网基础就业被巨头把握。这些巨头在外洋是FAANG(Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix以及Google),在国内则是BAT(Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent)。第一段临了一句话\"we wouldn’t have had all these private actors rush into the void\" 指的便是互联网巨头把握(由于左券不完善留住的)基础就业真空的事情。

接下来第二段发轫作家写了一个倒装句:And rush in they did. 这里rush in与上一段临了一句rush into the void酿成呼应,they则指前边提到的private actors,通过这种“倒装+探究动词”的体式,作家很秘要塞已毕了两个段落的当然通顺。


在写稿中常见的通顺词有\"because, as, while, if, however, therefore, although, similarly, consequently, nevertheless\"等。这类通顺词大部分同学齐比拟熟谙,粗浅也常常用,但有一些通顺词粗浅使用的本领要多防卫。

(1)不要污染on the contrary / by contrast

On the contrary用来描述与前边提到的本色出现违反的情况。比如:

There were, however, no US calls for the overthrow of successive Colombian governments.On the contrary,the US supported the Colombians with armaments, finance and goodwill.

By contrast则用于两者的对比,比如:Rory is always on time for work.By contrast,Vicki is always late. 这里by contrast不可写成on the contrary

(2)on the one hand…on the other hand

On the one hand…on the other hand用于阐扬两个违反的不雅点,而不是两个比肩的不雅点(You use on the one hand to introduce the first of two contrasting points, facts, or ways of looking at something.),比如:

On the one hand,if the body doesn't have enough cholesterol, we would not be able to survive.On the other hand,if the body has too much cholesterol, the excess begins to line the arteries.

语义衔接可能是中国粹生比拟目生的一种继续办段,但它非凡伏击。事实上,雅念念历练在对于继续部分的满分评分法式中就有这样一条:uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention要作念到继续当然,光靠通顺词还不够,还要使用语义衔接。


(1) Recent developments in astronomy have made it possible to detect planets in our own Milky Way and in other galaxies. (2)Thisis a major achievementbecause, in relative terms, planets are very small and do not emit light. (3) Finding planets is proving hard enough,butfinding life on them will prove infinitely more difficult. (4) The first question to answer is whether a planet can actually support life. (5) In our own solar system,for example, Venus is far too hot and Mars is far too cold to support life. (6) Only the Earth provides ideal conditions,and evenhere it has taken more than four billion years for plant and animal life to evolve.

第二句发轫用This来指代第一句的本色,这是一种很常见的句间继续表情,咱们粗浅在写稿中不错多加期骗。第三句发轫作家用finding planets is proving hard enough来对第二句的本色作念衔接,接着用通顺词but进行调动,证着实新手星上发现人命的难度。接下来第四句对第三句进行讲明证实。第五句作家使用for example对第四句的本色进行例如。第六句发轫Only the Earth provides ideal conditions呼应了第五句的本色Venus is far too hot and Mars is far too cold to support life,然后作家用and even here…进一步强调了人命产生的难度之高。


本文系授权发布,By 魏剑峰,From 英文悦读,微信号:read_the_economist,接待共享到一又友圈,未经许可不得转载,北好意思学霸君忠诚推选